Improving BOD Removal in WWTP Utilizing DAF System
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Improving BOD Removal in WWTP Utilizing DAF System

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Improving BOD Removal in WWTP Utilizing DAF System


Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) is a critical parameter in wastewater treatment that measures the amount of oxygen microorganisms require to decompose organic matter in water. High BOD levels indicate the presence of significant organic pollutants, which can harm aquatic ecosystems when released untreated into natural water bodies. To improve BOD removal in wastewater treatment plant (WWTP), various separation technologies can be employed, with Dissolved Air Flotation (DAF) systems being one of the most effective methods.

Dissolved Air Flotation (DAF) is a widely used separation technology that utilizes air bubbles to separate suspended solids, oils, greases, and other contaminants from wastewater. The process works by dissolving air in water under pressure, creating small bubbles that attach to suspended solids in the wastewater. These agglomerated particles rise to the surface and form a sludge layer, which can then be removed.

How can we improve BOD in waste water treatment plant?

1. Optimizing the Coagulation and Flocculation Process

The combination of coagulation and flocculation can effectively reduce BOD by aggregating smaller particles into larger flocs that are easier to separate.

  • Coagulants: Adding coagulants (e.g., alum or ferric chloride) to the wastewater helps neutralize the charges on suspended particles, allowing them to agglomerate.

  • Flocculants: Following coagulation, flocculants (e.g., polyacrylamide) are introduced to further promote the aggregation of particles into flocs that are larger and easier to float.

  • Improved Floc Formation: Optimizing the dosing of coagulants and flocculants improves the formation of flocs, making it easier for the bubbles in the DAF system to adhere to the particles. This increases the efficiency of flotation and BOD removal.

2. Enhancing Air Dissolving and Microbubble Generation

The DAF system generates microbubbles that adhere to flocs and other pollutants, causing them to float to the surface and then be removed. Optimizing air dissolution and generating microbubbles is the key to reducing BOD.

  • Pressure Dissolved Air: The DAF system dissolves air in water under pressure, and when the pressure is released, microbubbles are formed to attach to particles and flocs. Optimizing the pressure of air dissolution can increase the generation of bubbles and improve the flotation process.

  • Microbubble Size: Smaller bubbles are more effectively attached to smaller particles, and adjusting the system to generate smaller bubbles can improve flotation efficiency and enhance BOD removal rate.

  • Air-to-Solids Ratio: By optimizing the air-to-solids ratio, the efficiency of the DAF system can be maximized, ensuring that the system provides sufficient oxygen for flotation without excess air consumption.

3. Improving Flotation Efficiency through Proper Tank Design

DAF systems rely on the physical separation of particles through flotation, so optimizing the design of the flotation tank is crucial to improve BOD removal.

  • Tank Shape and Size: The design of flotation tanks can significantly affect the performance of DAF systems. Having a large surface area can ensure that bubbles have sufficient residence time in the flotation tank, allowing them to adhere to particles for enough time, thereby improving the removal rate of BOD.

  • Sludge Removal Mechanism: Efficient removal of the floated sludge layer is crucial to ensure that the BOD removal process continues uninterrupted. Automatic skimmers and sludge collection systems should be used to remove the accumulated sludge from the surface, ensuring that the DAF system operates efficiently.

Improving BOD Removal in WWTP Utilizing DAF System

How to maximize the use of DAF system to remove BOD from wastewater?

To maximize the efficiency of BOD removal, the DAF system can be combined with other separation technologies.

Integrated Process Flows:

  • DAF + Membrane Filtration: In this setup, DAF is used as a pre-treatment step to remove large particles, oils, and greases. The treated effluent is then passed through membrane filtration units (MF or UF), which further reduce the BOD by removing smaller particles and dissolved organics.

  • DAF + Activated Sludge + Membrane Bioreactor (MBR): For more advanced treatment, DAF can be integrated with activated sludge systems and MBRs to treat high BOD effluent. The combination of biological treatment (activated sludge or MBR) with physical separation (DAF and membrane filtration) creates a robust system capable of achieving very low BOD levels in the effluent.

  • DAF + Advanced Settling Systems: By pairing DAF with lamellar clarifiers or disc filters, treatment plants can enhance the removal of suspended solids, further reducing BOD and ensuring that the water is clean and ready for discharge or reuse.

This integrated approach ensures that the system operates at peak efficiency, reducing the BOD to acceptable levels while also optimizing operational costs and energy consumption.


Dissolved air flotation (DAF) system and advanced separation technology are important tools for improving the removal rate of BOD in wastewater treatment plants. By utilizing the unique ability of DAF to remove suspended solids, oil, and grease, and combining it with membrane filtration, MBR, or advanced settling systems, wastewater treatment plants can achieve efficient BOD reduction.

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